List of Suppliers

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Supplier ID Company Name Contact Name Contact Title Address City Region1 Postal Code Country Phone Fax Home Page    
8 Specialty Biscuits, Ltd. Peter Wilson Sales Representative 29 King's Way Manchester M14 GSD UK (161) 555-4448
9 PB Knäckebröd AB Lars Peterson Sales Agent Kaloadagatan 13 Göteborg S-345 67 Sweden 031-987 65 43 031-987 65 91
10 Refrescos Americanas LTDA Carlos Diaz Marketing Manager Av. das Americanas 12.890 Sao Paulo 5442 Brazil (11) 555 4640
11 Heli Süßwaren GmbH & Co. KG Petra Winkler Sales Manager Tiergartenstraße 5 Berlin 10785 Germany (010) 9984510
12 Plutzer Lebensmittelgroßmärkte AG Martin Bein International Marketing Mgr. Bogenallee 51 Frankfurt 60439 Germany (069) 992755 Plutzer (on the World Wide Web)#
13 Nord-Ost-Fisch Handelsgesellschaft mbH Sven Petersen Coordinator Foreign Markets Frahmredder 112a Cuxhaven 27478 Germany (04721) 8713 (04721) 8714
14 Formaggi Fortini s.r.l. Elio Rossi Sales Representative Viale Dante, 75 Ravenna 48100 Italy (0544) 60323 (0544) 60603 #FORMAGGI.HTM#
15 Norske Meierier Beate Vileid Marketing Manager Hatlevegen 5 Sandvika 1320 Norway (0)2-953010
1 Exotic Liquids Charlotte Cooper Purchasing Manager 49 Gilbert St. London EC1 4SD UK (171) 555-2222
4 Tokyo Traders Yoshi Nagase Marketing Manager 9-8 Sekimai Musashino-shi Tokyo 100 Japan (03) 3555-5011
6 Mayumi's Mayumi Ohno Marketing Representative 92 Setsuko Chuo-ku Osaka 545 Japan (06) 431-7877 Mayumi's (on the World Wide Web)#
17 Svensk Sjöföda AB Michael Björn Sales Representative Brovallavägen 231 Stockholm S-123 45 Sweden 08-123 45 67
18 Aux joyeux ecclésiastiques Guylène Nodier Sales Manager 203, Rue des Francs-Bourgeois Paris 75004 France (1) (1)
20 Leka Trading Chandra Leka Owner 471 Serangoon Loop, Suite #402 Singapore 0512 Singapore 555-8787
21 Lyngbysild Niels Petersen Sales Manager Lyngbysild Fiskebakken 10 Lyngby 2800 Denmark 43844108 43844115
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