List of Suppliers

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Supplier ID Company Name Contact Name Contact Title Address City Region1 Postal Code Country Phone Fax Home Page    
2 New Orleans Cajun Delights Shelley Burke Order Administrator P.O. Box 78934 New Orleans LA 70117 USA (100) 555-4822 #CAJUN.HTM#
3 Grandma Kelly's Homestead Regina Murphy Sales Representative 707 Oxford Rd. Ann Arbor MI 48104 USA (313) 555-5735 (313) 555-3349
16 Bigfoot Breweries Cheryl Saylor Regional Account Rep. 3400 - 8th Avenue Suite 210 Bend OR 97101 USA (503) 555-9931
19 New England Seafood Cannery Robb Merchant Wholesale Account Agent Order Processing Dept. 2100 Paul Revere Blvd. Boston MA 02134 USA (617) 555-3267 (617) 555-3389
1 Exotic Liquids Charlotte Cooper Purchasing Manager 49 Gilbert St. London EC1 4SD UK (171) 555-2222
8 Specialty Biscuits, Ltd. Peter Wilson Sales Representative 29 King's Way Manchester M14 GSD UK (161) 555-4448
9 PB Knäckebröd AB Lars Peterson Sales Agent Kaloadagatan 13 Göteborg S-345 67 Sweden 031-987 65 43 031-987 65 91
17 Svensk Sjöföda AB Michael Björn Sales Representative Brovallavägen 231 Stockholm S-123 45 Sweden 08-123 45 67
5 Cooperativa de Quesos 'Las Cabras' Antonio del Valle Saavedra Export Administrator Calle del Rosal 4 Oviedo Asturias 33007 Spain (98) 598 76 54
20 Leka Trading Chandra Leka Owner 471 Serangoon Loop, Suite #402 Singapore 0512 Singapore 555-8787
15 Norske Meierier Beate Vileid Marketing Manager Hatlevegen 5 Sandvika 1320 Norway (0)2-953010
22 Zaanse Snoepfabriek Dirk Luchte Accounting Manager Verkoop Rijnweg 22 Zaandam 9999 ZZ Netherlands (12345) 1212 (12345) 1210
6 Mayumi's Mayumi Ohno Marketing Representative 92 Setsuko Chuo-ku Osaka 545 Japan (06) 431-7877 Mayumi's (on the World Wide Web)#
4 Tokyo Traders Yoshi Nagase Marketing Manager 9-8 Sekimai Musashino-shi Tokyo 100 Japan (03) 3555-5011
14 Formaggi Fortini s.r.l. Elio Rossi Sales Representative Viale Dante, 75 Ravenna 48100 Italy (0544) 60323 (0544) 60603 #FORMAGGI.HTM#
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